Contacts to Samuel Bohorquez

samuel antonio bohorquez diaz , lives in Cali , Colombia , South America. 


Tel: 00572 6682969 .....3128633

links to Samuel or Enlaces recomendados

samuel in his world of Daimonism.
samuel in his world of Daimonism.

welcome to all the diferents links or web pages , where you can find more daimonism from samuel Bohorquez , more art work from samuel check out his web page

Mis amigos en Jimdo

Zoom in into the Daimonism Style .

Zoom in into the Daimonism style of life , lots of pictures depicting details from Samuel Bohorquez ¨s Art Works , showing out the magical and well detailed art work  from his paintings, a wonderful technic , a mixture of contemporary pointillism and Daimonism abstraction ....Art Work for the New Age.